A Chance Meeting
Life is a sum of routines. Routines that we follow to get busy and put ourselves to productive uses. Some of us are toiling hard to make ends meet. Many do it with ease and along the way milestones are met personally and professionally in both scenarios. The whole point is to make the most of it till it lasts. In that cycle busy schedules paint our days. Each individual has their own respective to-do lists that have items needing utmost attention. Years roll and fortunate few find time for everything that makes that heart swing to elusive and familiar rhythms. For some, priorities take much of their time and things/people that once held importance slip. They don’t lose sheen but unknowingly go to the back burner. Errands and chores color our days. Work keeps humans busy. Visits to doctors on a monthly basis or annually keep us on our toes. Our parents and grandparents need our care and concern most of the time. We delegate to finish things on time. In all this humdrum life has a way to beckon at us and midst chaos, confusion and duties of life a chance meeting happens.
Most of the time we are caught off guard. This can happen simply anywhere. A chance meeting with an old friend, colleague, well wisher or distant relative acts as a bridge for lost time. It can act as a well deserved break from the mundane. Airports, railway stations, hospitals, spas, gymnasiums, shopping malls, weddings, birthdays, corporate meetings and travel witness such reunions. The conversations are brief yet warm giving the required dose of information that may warm our hearts. Future meetups can be decided on such occasions too if any. A bumping by fluke in itself floods our minds with memories that need a little dusting for a full-on glimmer. Walking down memory lanes have their bit of fun and nostalgia that perks up our mood. Arduous tasks get a breather. A sense of halt sets in with no guilt. They are godsend. The tunnels of memory get new polish and illuminate those untravelled corners. A mere face propels so much of shared bliss or agony. It helps us understand whatever we all had been missing from our lives. It can also push to things and events that we want to best forget too. It totally depends on the person we bump into by chance.
In cases where events and people in the past had left an ugly mark these chance meetings can be close to claustrophobic. It can inflict a sense of paranoia and restrict positive vibes. Regrets make way and destiny is blamed for no rhyme or reason. Nothing relevant is shared then. An early exit from that conversation is a must. Cold yet courteous remarks do rounds till the meeting gets over. An effort to make it look warm still is the agenda for no future collisions. Its far from cordial and resonates an undercover hatred or dislike.
On the contrary a chance meeting with a mentor is a blessing in disguise. Mostly a boost of confidence ushers. We rediscover things that were in the closet courtesy our over the top busy schedules. It helps us connect with our old selves that got left behind while chasing our dreams. It renews us for a better hold not only on ourselves but our surroundings too. Many times conversations stretch to our immediate family or choices in life in such situations. A lot is gathered and shared as talks progress. New members are introduced and that is a way of reconnecting with things and people who hold some importance in our lives. Devoid of judgements it’s all accepted whatever is on the platter. Tiny details find an outlet thus strengthening bonds of eons.
This novel act of God can be a guide in our moments of strife. A chance meeting with a stranger with no shared history can be that much needed signal towards goals that confuse big. Their insights and advice can be lost pieces of a puzzle for a better grip. It can be the much needed nurturing or nursing of a wound that had been left unattended for long. Our busy schedules on the journey of life blanket instincts. Instinctual messages in the form of an errand or duty throw us in the paths of a chance meeting that has the capacity of doubling our joys. A chance meeting should be welcomed with open arms for that much needed emotional lift and not questioned ever. It may help us reflect, reconnect & rise to the best versions of ourselves.