
Blog: A Mother’s Milk

The initial milk after the delivery is sticky and full of nutrients. It is called colostrum and is the best. It’s the liquid gold for any child. It protects the child from illnesses and aids in overall development. It’s the perfect nutrition and food. It’s a little thicker and a shade more yellow than breast milk. Stomach bugs are a lot less for a breastfed baby. Ear infections remain at bay due to the same reason. Nervous system development is key as many diseases are fought because of it. Severe infections can be prevented thanks to a mother’s milk.

It is digestible and is not a burden on a baby’s developing body parts, intestines and stomach. A special mother-child bond is nurtured when the new born baby is breastfed. The first six months are very crucial for the child. Water, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins are important for a healthy child and it provides all. For the baby’s gut good bacteria is very imperative hence a mother’s milk also contains prebiotics that helps in the same.

Asthma, diabetes and obesity are a distant dream because of it. It strengthens the immune system of a growing child. The brain development is far better than a bottle-fed baby. Eye development is at its optimal. It boosts energy in a child. A mom’s milk contains antibodies that help fight infections. Likewise childhood leukemia doesn’t show up. Respiratory tract infections lower on their own. There is reduction in intestinal tissue damage. 

Allergic reactions like psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis lessen. It acts as a booster for smooth bowel movements. The weight of the baby stays healthy and static. Higher intelligence scores happen. It prevents frequent hospitalization. Can be termed as an elixir for the newborn baby. It has all the right and effective ingredients to keep one fit for the long-term. It’s a boon for a growing child in more ways than one. Promotes cognitive functions too. One should cherish and celebrate for being on the receiving end of a mother’s milk as life is a lot happier and content for later years too.

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