Blog: Being Home Alone

A weird sense of freedom sets in when it happens. A mini break from occupants of the house may add value to relationships and their ongoing chemistry. Being by yourself can improve memory and concentration. Recall and retention gets a boost. Focus is more and attention to detail takes priority. When people work on their own they are better at solving problems. Distractions are at bay and clarity floats. A full house for self for a day, a week, a month or a weekend invites unguarded living. It can be a brief holiday for stressed out entities. The stress of crossing paths with a negative person on a daily basis may burden minds. Creativity is hit and such escapades of living alone for a short time is the much needed break.
Temporary solo living can push a person to be responsible. Protecting oneself and the immediate place from all dangers alone trains an individual for any catastrophe. Our interests become the most important things. Late nights, no early mornings and lethargy run its course. No one is around to check, scold, judge, manipulate or sober us then. Our authentic self moves around without any scruples. Bohemian and carefree lifestyle becomes the flavor of this phase. Solitude gives way to creativity. No interruptions from others help us reflect to a different level and we think differently. Brainstorming sessions are open to criticism when done in a group. Comments hamper our abilities to create stuff that is unbiased. People’s opinions come in the way and originality is killed. Being alone leads to a more focussed decision making. A hassle free environment doesn’t cloud our minds.
Peeing with a bathroom door open or moving around naked adds to the fun quotient. Confidence and mental strength strengthen. Enjoying one’s own company leads to productivity. All hell breaks loose though when a doorbell rings while bathing or clearing tummy. Rushing a bodily need or favorite activity in seclusion can frustrate badly. Here the company of people is missed majorly then. On the contrary, in the absence of parents, relatives, siblings and cousins, romantic get-togethers flourish and solitary time spent together brings people closer. Unwanted restrictions cause bad blood and arguments jeopardise relations of eons. Time to time being home alone can see friends dropping by to pursue like minded hobbies of booze, bold films, revelry and sports activities.
Managing skills get a healthy grease for efficiency. Grocery shopping, gardening, cooking, leisure time, work, entertaining guests, house needs and studies can be coordinated effectively if management is flawless. Over time being alone can master this skill with good strategy and planning. Shopping and movie hopping then become enjoyable and boredom goes out of the door in one’s own company. Quality time with oneself may generate peace and calm to handle things, chaos, inner noise in a better manner.
Short-lived absence of a spouse, sibling, parent and househelp makes one alert and useful. Dependency makes an exit and independence boosts morale. It’s good to have people around you but a little alone time just does wonders for inner grit, determination and perseverance. If practised from a young age there is no stopping you from achieving dizzy heights of coping and mental health gets a fillip. Empathy increases and better behaviour surfaces.