Blog: Burnout

A nervous breakdown is inevitable when stress overtakes our mental peace. Exhaustion is the root cause of it. Any intensive mental or physical activity in the absence of breaks tends to lead us towards it. It takes a toll on our health, productivity, sleep and daily chores. We become irritable, unapproachable, resentful, depressed, anxious, reclusive and unhappy. It is painful and kills slowly. Individuals lose focus and are inclined to self harm. We alienate ourselves from social activities and celebration of life takes a back seat.
There is a sense of dejection. Personally we feel inept to accomplish our set goals. Self ridicule takes priority. Detachment from the job at hand or relationship happens. There is a lack of involvement. Disinterest makes inroads. There is a delay in taking quick decisions. We find ourselves stuck in a situation with no exit. The finer picture of life gets lost in the mundane. We curse and cuss unapologetically. Rude behaviour slips into our system unannounced. Boredom becomes a perpetual phase of our lives.
Negative thoughts cloud our minds. Somehow it has also pushed people to pursue things they always wanted to do in life. It has also aided people in looking at life with a different perspective. The realization to focus on things and people that bring happiness and comfort takes precedence. People try to anchor their lives towards things and goals that give ample satisfaction and peace. It has also motivated people to pursue higher studies to achieve their dreams. People opt to travel and read more. They even think about writing books or personal journals to kill the resentment within. They reach out and explore better vistas.
Children face their parents ire often in the burnout phase. These frequent bouts of behaviour full of rage instill redirection. People ask, experiment, wonder and think how to make life livable. A burnout encourages us to start looking for avenues that improve our quality of life. It challenges us to do better. Courage becomes the front runner. The inspiration to succeed no matter what finds its bearings. People take risks and with a very positive approach stick to their decisions. Having a burnout helps in facing our fears. Some surrender to it and become terminally ill. Some rise, shine and don’t succumb to their destinies but prefer changing it.
Equations and bonds get severely affected during this stage. It influences our performance at work. We are more absent-minded. It is harmful for any business or collaboration. We struggle while completing tasks, deadlines and routines. It has a tendency to sap our energy. It hijacks our will to excel in our line of work. We should take holidays and spend time doing things that give solace and inner bliss from time to time. Adventure sports assist in removing the signs of boredom and monotony. Thus pursuing interests, travel, spending quality time with friends and family can prevent it. A happy and goal oriented life nullifies a burnout.