
Blog: Conditions

Conditions secure needs and see to it that limits are given due respect. They have to be handled with care to avoid conflict and stress. Unnecessary demands die a natural death if we follow them. Between friends, partners, parents, and relatives too when we freely put across these laid guidelines a better understanding takes place. Through them communication clears doubts if any and delicate bonds are saved from mental pressure. 

When we address matters of concern, equations gain strength. Trust builds and then focus is undivided. By setting boundaries we may jeopardize a sense of free will. Unconditional parameters stay at a distance. Life is lived by a rule book. Rules maintain discipline and mutual targets are met. Clauses and control help one not to cross the dividing line. They establish expectations among individuals or companies. Effective chemistry finds roots.

Priorities effortlessly get momentum because of conditional gears. We tend to tread in life keeping them in mind and people don’t get hurt. Saying yes to things becomes easier when we follow these constraints as promised. Deviating from these norms can cause problems. If not practiced and changes are seen in behaviours then all hell breaks loose. Healthy relationships suffer and anxiety cripples personal and overall growth. 

Whenever one does not adhere to conditions fights arise and separation happens. Organizations part ways and all hard work and years of strategies go down the drain. Once manipulation enters trust is shaken and things fall apart. Trust issues begin to rise and something beautiful gets disfigured. It is very imperative to walk on the dotted line once the pact is made. A little maneuver or misstep can risk a long term association built on high regard and mutual appreciation. 

Good and fair conditions make sense and are not worrisome. They should be doable or else they lead to an imbalance of sorts. Rigidness can create havoc and a feeling of claustrophobia occurs. Conditions can be too harsh and then it may get too tough to go along with them. They can complicate life and unexpected expectations marr relations made in good faith. Some motivate oneself to do better in life and relationships, some just break us down. Conditions should be realistic and harmless for a smooth ride in life.

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