Blog: Digital Detox

Unplugging oneself from devices may aid in improving the quality of our lives. Using them less gives way to a variety of things that fill our senses. It is an opportunity to focus on aspects that are good for our mental and physical health. How we navigate through life in the future in its temporary absence may build us up to a completely new level. Time to time a digital detox is a must to maintain our sanity. Too much of anything is bad indeed. A temporary hiatus just sets the lost energy. A fine balance of real life connections and experiences enriches the soul. Maintaining a digital life on a daily basis can be harmful to a certain extent. If it becomes an obsession hell can break loose thus adding to stress.
New hobbies make inroads when we voluntarily choose to stay away from smartphones and the internet. Switching it all off be it computers or cellphones is a stop to notifications and alerts. It’s a conscious decision to keep it all at bay for the time being. We can use the same time that we spend on them for reading, drawing, cycling, yoga, gardening or anything that makes us feel relaxed and fulfilled. Picking up an old hobby too is comforting and less stressful.
By looking up from these time consuming add ons of our lives we can reconnect with the world around us. Sounds and sights of beautiful places expand our approach. They surround us with a new message and how we adapt to all the beauty around us is the key. By being glued to the screens it thus takes away the joys of perceiving things as they are. Our focus shifts and we can blend with the environment and feel happier.
It allows us to spend some time with ourselves. A constant beeping can be irritating when concentration is the desired goal. To be in tandem with the inner rhythm brings breakthroughs. Being available all the time can lead to anxiety too. A time out for self is a must too. To switch off your mind for relaxation can keep many health problems away. Me time is no crime.
Agreed they help us stay connected with people globally. But it may put off a spouse, friend, relative or colleague if they are around us. A divided attention is a no show. To fully enjoy the company of our dear ones and to engage better these devices should be kept aside and shut off. It may distract from real fun. Conversations get disrupted and the flow disintegrates. To maintain long lasting friendships/relationships one should respect human presence.
Disconnecting from technology helps us sleep better. The blaring screens and the light refrains from a sound sleep. Its usage just before hitting the bed delays sleep. A good sleep is a boon for good health. Uninterrupted sleep sets the body to better productivity. We perform better.
Without thinking, picking up and checking emails and messages is a sign of anxiety or falling prey to a habit unconsciously. The itch to check is in itself can be chronic. It can be a habit that we can do without. Digital detox can break the cycle. It can aid in giving up the habit completely. We can be the master rather than getting mastered by this unnecessary fruitless activity. It’s good to check things when due but after every 5 minutes indulging in it is nothing but an obsession.
Neck pains, headache, stiff body or frozen shoulder or fingers are common phases for over the top usage of these devices. By putting a noose we welcome better grip on our health. Health is wealth. Distancing oneself is a big step to a happier healthier self. These ailments will not turn big and things can stay under control to a more satisfied life.
Dependency is unavoidable when 24*7 we are hooked to technology. A mini break off and on develops a better relationship with it. We learn to use it only when it is helpful or research of any sort is needed. Depending too much on it can act as hindrance. Giving it an undue importance may steal the limelight. Developing a healthy need with technology can be rewarding. Travelling to places with no wifi, smartphones or digital devices helps reconnecting with reality and improves attention span.