Blog: Fall from grace

Tides of success can turn anytime and it can be a lonely spell. The transition surely takes a toll. Popularity takes a dip. Doubts arise. Opportunities shy away because of a fallen repute. The image of durability and credibility is tarnished. When we don’t deliver we raise questions thus jeopardising our position be it a relationship or a job. It can happen to a human, a company or a bond shared between individuals. Once the trust is broken it can leave a dent. Old age can be enjoyable if we accept the changes that come along with it.
Unacceptable behaviours lose the polish that once used to be a hallmark. Cracks become visible and it can all turn into rubble if we don’t safeguard ourselves. Our areas of interest take a backseat. Nothing makes the cut. We may turn into a recluse. Negativity ebbs. Our guard is down. Pessimism prevails from all corners. People may shun you from social gatherings. The celebrity status that once was occupied falls to a new low. A misdeed can just spoil everything.
An uncomfortable situation can make things worse so it’s always feasible to make it good while one can. Dishonesty may further increase the damage so it’s wise to not indulge in it. Truth should be the obvious choice in such situations. People who love give many chances to shine and excel. The prestige can be regained if we give it our best shot again. Nothing is impossible when we work hard with a tenacious and strong vibe. When we are guilty then productivity is hit. It’s always good to own it if we did something wrong, make it better and move on.
Grudges within may hinder progress. Confiding in someone helps a great deal. Momentarily everything and everyone can work against you but in the end tougher ones make it all change. How good we cope with this phase defines our character and strength. It can choke us down if we dwell on the moments that incurred unhappiness for too long and may take a toll on our health, cognitive and motor abilities. It has the ability to numb and paralyse our soaring spirits. Depression finds its way into our being when we fall from grace.
The feeling of envy may creep in. One can harbour jealousy for whoever is successful or is respected and loved for the same. It is not a crime to fall from grace but one can become a criminal in the eyes of the person whom we have wronged. It takes years to create an image or be successful without stooping too low to achieve it. One can harm oneself when it all becomes unbearable. Therapy, sharing and writing it down may lessen the guilt or the feeling of regret. Falling from grace is inevitable but it can be avoided if we stay focussed, true and goal oriented.