Blog: In the company of grandparents

Fun is unlimited in their presence. They provide stability and wisdom in bulk. Fewer behavioural and emotional problems surface when they are around. A sense of security sets in when they make an entry to a house party, gathering or simply just like that. Trials and struggles of child-caring and stress are at bay to a certain extent when they offer help. Their experiences and advice go a long way as life moves on. A blessing in all respects they turn out to be. They act as the guiding light in moments of strife and conflict. They can be best buddies to the kids and share something totally precious by being in their good books.
Sharing secrets with your grandparents is a lovely experience. Tender loving care is at its optimum and the bond is special. They listen to our woes patiently and lend an ear without throwing any tantrums. For them ultimate bliss is a happy life for their grandchildren. Grandparents can be our support system. They shield us from the wrath of our parents and bridge differences if any. Their upbringing shapes the lives of our parents and this in itself sets an example for the grand kids to follow. During times of failure they provide encouragement and aid in sorting chaos and depression.
Children learn to value grandparents as they introduce traditions that run very deep for years. Healthy family relationships get a boost with the help of their perceptions on almost everything. Situational problems become easier as their insights and solutions clear blocked visions. They ensure that children develop self control, good manners, and give respect wherever due. They love you without conditions and indulge in a lot of kisses and hugs. Whenever parents are away grandparents try to fill that temporary void with games, entertainment and bed time stories. The bond gets stronger by doing things that grandchildren love and crave.
Indoor and outdoor activities during school holidays get a companion. They are a link to a kid’s family history and cultural heritage. They play the role of a historian and mentor. They are great storytellers and love to spoil kids with their affection. They have the best of home remedies for any illness. Natural cure is their thing. They are the perfect balance between strict and lenient parenting. They bring us closer to our roots. They teach important life lessons. They can be critical of our behaviour but this is all for the greater good. Their fluctuating health can be a worry but the way they deal with it so maturely actually helps and grandchildren adapt accordingly.
It’s a comforting feeling when you hold your grandparent’s hand and walk. The soft supple grip can stay with you for a lifetime. Their warm loving embrace soothes. One feels wanted and loved. The closeness that grandparents and grandchildren share may ward off negative thoughts. They contribute to the children’s wellbeing. Forgiving, unconditional, unscheming and loving grandparents add to the joys of life.