Blog: Inner Voice

It is very very powerful and aids in ascertaining situations and events. It never lies nor misguides rather it’s the perfect guide. Helps to introspect and move ahead in that direction or situation. This internal monologue reasons and streamlines the thought process thus clearing doubts and anxieties. It’s natural to be in a fix in tense moments but here’s when this phenomenal work of art leads us to what’s really appropriate and right. It logically pushes us to deliver the goods favoring the best of our interests.
We should listen to it as it plays a very important part in our day to day lives. Good faith and trust propel us to take steps towards things that could make a difference. It acts as a light in the dark tunnels of chaos, uncertainty and fear. Humans share a very integral relationship with their inner voice. It can only be heard when we are focussed, silent and ready to embark on what it has to say to us. Willingly complying to it can make or break us.
It may stop us from doing something really ridiculous, bad or devilish if we attune ourselves to it. Acting on it does us more good. We are at peace when we don’t disobey the inner sanctuary that harbors within us. It remodels the complexity and severity of any event, situation, mood or equation. It is useful for expressing oneself confidently as from within it has a very strong hold on us. We should hold on to it tightly if we intend to move mountains.
It not only controls us but is highly supportive. It assists us in staying on the right path. It can also cause some anxiety within us as unintentionally we fall back on it for a second opinion on things that matter. Questioning every decision can turn out to be stressful and eventually may irritate us from time to time. Relying on it always may lead towards feeling a little paralysed, insecure and skimpy. The constant nagging can deplete soaring spirits and we start devaluing ourselves and high spirits.
It can be very tough while dealing with it because it may not turn out to be always true. We get swayed by our whims and fancies and accordingly hear it speak. It may deviate us. Sometimes just following our gut feeling can be the thing. The inner voice has the capacity to confuse us but with a good understanding and perception we can use it to our advantage. Sometimes the inner voice motivates us to push the envelope for better results and breakthroughs. It shows us the best version of ourselves. Magnifies our performance and improves our lives.