Blog: Jealousy

Healthy and good jealousy motivates us to do better and is a harbinger of positive changes. It is understandable and leaders who are aware about it implement it in a useful way. It guides and pushes a person to give their best and shine in spite of all odds. Spells of jealousy in moderation be it in relationships or organizations doesn’t raise any red flags. It is appreciated as well as gets a thumbs up most of the time. The focus is better when one is jealous. The desire to achieve helps to work towards it diligently and effectively.
On the other hand, too much of it can ruin equations as well as people. The complexity of behaviors comes to the surface. A masked happiness makes inroads. Internally it can eat a person dangerously. Jealous souls can spread negativity. They can be harmful to society as well as the environment. Nothing positive stems from such individuals. Everything is hijacked because of it. Anger reaches immeasurable zeniths. Depression too slips in unannounced.
Some people have fun by making people jealous. Romantic relationships flourish if their partner harbors jealousy but it can turn volatile if one goes overboard to seek attention. It can lead to more arguments. Trust issues happen. Physical and emotional abuse are common in the wake of jealousy. People are paranoid and it can hinder progress of any kind. It can be very difficult to cope with whoever is on the receiving end of jealous vibes.
Thoughts neck deep in jealousy can become uncontrollable and create havoc in our lives. Joys and intimacy can vanish without a trace. It can trigger urges that could be destructive in nature. Problematic and irrational behaviours rise and hell can break loose. Irritability may peak. There is no sign of adjustments or sacrifice in such phases. It can lead to chronic pain too. Social life is deeply affected as jealous entities are kept at bay to avert any further damages by their presence and mindset.
People end up being in a shell when extremes hit them. Harming the person can become the primary goal to be in the good books of all. Self-doubt is a normal thing in situations that trigger defensiveness. Constantly comparing oneself with others leads to mental imbalance too. A sense of insecurity creeps in. Inferior complex may find roots too. It can also cause self-harm if it goes beyond a point. Low-self esteem surfaces and it can slow down output.
People feel threatened and then they act aggressively to save their acquired space. They feel people are taking advantage of them hence it can lead to unresolved trauma. With the help of therapy and mindfulness, perils of extreme jealousy can be nipped in the bud. Tender loving care can take care of anything. By practicing self-reflection one can free oneself from the clutches of this intense emotion. Confiding in a friend or well wisher may help too. The key is to rein it before it overpowers oneself in an evil way.