Blog: Letting go

It takes a toll indeed to put a muzzle on something that once held a lot of importance and meaning in one’s life. It could be a thing, person, place or emotions. To let go is not easy. When moving on a range of emotions hit us. It’s a phase similar to a somersault as it jolts bad and big. Years of bonding, familiarity, belonging and liking undergo a change. This sea change turns out to be beneficial in the long run. Painful emotions, memories and equations when making an exit can be therapeutic. It can transform for the greater good when hurting takes a backseat.
In the process of letting go self care takes precedence. A toxic environment adds to stress. Accepting things as they are instead of how we want them to see and have in our lives saves a lot of trouble and heartache. Moving on a relationship, friendship or place gives way to mood swings. A sense of denial sets in. Giving in to things is a step towards healing. In this way we set ourselves free for a healthy mind. When we struggle with the loss of a loved one depression spreads its wings and clutches us. It may take years to come out clean but efforts are worth it in the end.
Emotional ties to the past or anything that reminds of injury pushes to a low phase. Everything around us seems dark and we feel unworthy, unwanted and unloved. Situations that give rise to frustration cloud our judgment. Conflict brings negativity. Making a move from such traumatic connections is a step towards peace and well being. Mental and physical health gets a boost. Throwing things away that bring bad thoughts helps in complete erasure.
It requires a lot of strength and will power to overcome feelings of going back to things and people. A determined mind makes it all achievable. Adverse life events affect us. To eradicate such incidents resilience plays a very integral part. Positive thoughts induce mindfulness. Anxious moments demand stepping back from painful experiences only then total freedom is achieved. A conscious effort to refocus makes it a success. This cannot be attained overnight as it requires practice and patience both. It could take days, months and years too. The key to a promising future is to keep fighting for a blocked mind.
Sometimes it takes a lifetime to completely forgive and forget. A total closure takes time though it is not impossible. With the help and support of family, friends and loved ones it is possible. Sometimes it can be done independently too with resolve and healthy stubbornness to move on. Habits die hard indeed but becoming habitual to a positive, fulfilling and healthy lifestyle is within reach with hard work and perseverance. It improves self-esteem. A stronger immune system emerges. We are less stressful and hostile. Fretful and anxious episodes dip. It improves our heart health. There are fewer indications of depression. Anger reduces. Letting go is imperative and helps in healing from within and overall too.