Blog: Lies

People lie to maintain relationships. Lying can only help if the person is undergoing some crisis. To avert further harm out of concern humans indulge in it. For self-gain it’s an essential tool. Self-esteem gets a kick as people feel better about their situations and themselves after lying. It can turn out to be a good factor to cover secrets. Feelings don’t undergo unnecessary trauma as truth can create chaos and wreck real connections.
Trust is broken. Lies have all the ingredients to cause distress. Friendships, relationships and close bonds are destroyed. Feelings of shame and guilt surface shaking self-worth and beliefs. When one lies on a daily basis identity crisis can arise and conflicts are bound to happen within. The real self is overshadowed by the deceptive exterior. Confusion may set in this way. Inner struggle to keep things real doubles and may create havoc and doubts.
Empathy and compassion fade as it’s very hard to ascertain the emotions of people then. It’s a very unhealthy trait as once one gets used to lying then this habit can affect cognition and psychologically may take a toll. False notions are highlighted and for no reason this self-glorification by lying does more harm than good. If one is caught lying it can be upsetting and awkward. Beauty of a carefree and authentic setup is marred forever.
Repeated lying demands a good memory and a sharp mind. Depression takes the cake if one is unable to remember what they said earlier to make it sound and look believable. There is this constant melee that can irritate and lead to lack of focus. Once a person gets comfortable with lying the perception of reality changes. Actually nothing really changes but to cover those lies more lies are needed and this triggers a series of inaccurate stories. Lying makes things shorter when all one wants to avoid is a long conversation based on facts and reality.
Skill is required for people to buy lies. Body language, posture and vibe are giveaways if someone is lying. One has to be adept and credible for that. To save a life if one has to lie then it can be understandable but lies leave scars and not many have a forgiving heart. It’s best to keep them at bay and live an authentic life. Lies attract consequences and punishment. They are bad and spoil equations and moods. Troubles can be avoided by lying but it’s always good to sail through them rather than deception. Lies shatter people, lives and truths.