Blog: Misunderstandings

They can mar the beauty of bonds and relationships. An incorrect conception may take years to set it straight. They take a toll on our emotions and mental balance. The incongruity of viewpoints creates misunderstandings. They affect our communication, behavior, and routines. They are reasons for rifts, conflicts, depression, anxiety, loneliness, hurt, and ill will. The ego fuels a stubborn phase. Discord resurfaces. Peace is thrown out of the window. Turbulence plays a key role here. Anger and rudeness dominate in such situations. Statements and actions are misinterpreted.
In some ways, it aids in enhancing our ability and effort to collaborate. We pay more attention to making situations better and workable. A mid path is thought upon so that strained things can make progress at a quicker pace. New ways are given impetus so that solutions happen. Clear communication becomes paramount to avoid any further damage to equations and organizations. It helps in maintaining the secrecy of that particular information or news. At all costs, any sort of misunderstanding should be avoided to reap benefits.
Lousy and arrogant behavior favor any good understanding. One should think thoroughly before speaking if one intends to avoid being misunderstood. Being specific and direct can bridge widening conflicts that are created by misunderstandings. Rather than taking things for granted, one should ask and not assume. Healthy curiosity always paves a way for any confusion whatsoever. Without proper communication, people become impatient and irritable. The usage of language should be simple, logical, apt, and comprehensive.
They cause bitterness. Divorce is unavoidable. Separation comes into force. People leave organizations. Friendships suffer from trust issues. Confidence is shaken. Self-respect goes for a spin. The practice of listening is like a half-battle won. If we listen carefully and intently most of the issue is resolved. One should not judge but try to play host to it. When we attack there are bound to be volatile disagreements. A subtle approach solves emphatically. There should always be space for a compromise.
A willingness to negotiate always helps. One should look for a solution where all parties are comfortable. Genuine involvement to clear the air goes a long way. Anyone can be misunderstood but faith, active participation, perseverance, tact, reassurance, and mindfulness have all the capacities to bring breakthroughs. Dictating terms will blow the fuse always. Responding with understanding can bring improvements. Kindness, assertiveness, and compassion with a touch of confidence can diffuse any misunderstanding.