Blog: Neighbours

Good neighbours can be a source of sound health and a long life. Knowing that you can turn to them in the hour of need is a stress buster. Sharing your life with them from time to time to connect on a deeper level adds up to good mental health. The thought that you can spend your time with them gives a sense of belonging and familiarity. On the contrary an ill mannered, toxic and jealous neighbour does just the opposite. It’s pure luck if one’s neighbourhood gives a stable, positive, growth-oriented environment. Social activities and plenty of fun take centre stage.
They can turn out to be a medium of good advice whenever confusion and anxiety cloud our mind. It’s great to be friends with one’s neighbour. While vacationing they can guard or look after the house, mail and pets. Grandparents and parents too can be left under their vigil at the time of an emergency. Children get bored often so neighbours and their house can serve the purpose of distraction from monotony. A neighbour lends you things when machinery, household equipment, furniture or gadgets have gone for maintenance.
They can aid in carpooling if need arises. Their babysitting phases give comfort when the situation demands. During hardships they can be a great source of help. By giving them a spare key they can bail us out whenever we lose or forget our keys or accidentally we get locked in. Becoming a part of their life can open up opportunities that hover around job opportunities and new networks. During a new venture they can promote our work in their friend circle. They can also encourage others to make connections through their word of mouth.
Holidays become interesting in their company if those holidays are meant for a facelift to the house. Cooked food, goodies and treats keep flowing that show that they care. Disputes don’t turn ugly if they intervene as they vouch for our good behaviour. A safe and green environment attracts good vibes and progress. A crisis can be managed well in their presence. Often relatives and family get to know things late as neighbours are the first to know because of proximity and availability. Invitations to parties and events push one to get out of the house and interact.
Happiness doubles in the company of loving, supportive and helpful neighbours. Pain and discomfort are at bay. Giving space is key to healthy bonding. A good understanding makes a meaningful friendship with one’s neighbour. All turns out well as long as it’s not selfish and clingy. Their co-operative efforts can move mountains and make life beautiful. One has to be an equally good neighbour to receive desired respect, help, co-operation and companionship