Blog: Pet Fix
The human-animal bond is a marvel. The pleasures of snuggling up to a furry friend are immense. The basic human need of touch is fulfilled by them. Loving, stroking and hugging are a stress buster in itself. Pets add real joy and unconditional love to our lives. They encourage exercise and playfulness. Walking a dog on a regular basis is therapeutic and healthy. Their presence eradicates and eases loneliness. Caring for an animal can be a mood booster. They provide companionship to old people and help children grow up protected and active. Just watching them kills anxiety. Birds, fish, horses, rabbits, dogs, cats, and even lions can be family. Owning a pet and treating him or her as one of our own goes a long way.
During bouts of depression their constant nudging, soft purrs, chirps, or barks to seek attention can be a mood changer. Their presence in the house comforts worried nerves. Over time they get accustomed to our lifestyles, habits, and mood swings. They get attuned to human behavior and needs. Our body language, gestures, and tone send signals to their alert minds to which they respond accordingly. A sense of understanding comes into play and they adapt to their surroundings. Their heightened sense of smell can help avert danger. Dogs look deep in the eyes and try to ascertain humans’ emotional state as well as what we are feeling or thinking. Pets are reservoirs of warmth and affection without any conditions.
Pets aid in socializing. They open new avenues of interaction by being themselves. Your pet can indicate whether a person is good or bad. They are a good judge of vibes. A good vibe lightens the environment and strangers can be trusted if they look comfortable in their space. The companionship of an animal can boost confidence as well as build strained bonds too. Pet owners meet new people in malls, stores, clubs, and veterinary hubs that help maintain new friendships and contacts. Parks, roads, and hikes are witnesses to such encounters. Frequent visits to these places grow the chances of thick connections and interactions. Having a pet by your side can be relaxing too.
Pets require regular feeding and aid in stabilizing unguarded routines. They make you feel loved, needed, and wanted. This feeling of being wanted helps to focus better and then problems take a back seat. Problem-solving endeavors of humans get a facelift and solutions make inroads. A loved individual has better chances of performing better at work. They are in sync and well equipped with their inner selves because of these constant companions who are around and help us talk. These one-on-one conversations with our pets take away the weight from our shoulders and help deliver our best to our areas of interest.
Kids who are emotionally attached to their pets have a better grip on handling connections with their peers. Working parents are mostly away but having a pet at home as a caretaker as well as guard cum companion can reduce the fear of being neglected. Having them around can provide a sense of security and bliss. These blessings enter our houses in their tiny avatars and some fill our lives when they are all grown up. They don’t give orders nor preach. They don’t criticize and accept us as we are. They carve a niche for society and earn their space in the human world by being their naughty and adorable best. Pets are lifesavers.