Blog: Rejection

When it happens ego is hit. The world comes crashing down. Receiving a rejection letter from a company crushes hopes and morale goes down. In a relationship it can turn out to be fatal too. Indeed it’s a harsh reality check and not everyones cup of tea. The idea of friendship has no firm footing then if knowingly or unknowingly a misdoing creates a grave misunderstanding and rejecting that person becomes the only option. Rejection in love shakes grounds and faith is completely lost. A blow it can be.
One feels that all efforts have gone in vain. Life comes to a standstill when negativity takes full control. Anger issues arise. Self-worth is questioned. Irritation doubles. Social life is negligible. Confidence is replaced by anxiety. It is worn as a badge of failure. There is a lack of optimism within. Doubts about oneself emerge. Self-harm becomes the thing to feel better as punishing oneself is the right thing to do. Pain finds a new host and cripples a positive outlook.
On the contrary rejection can transform beings for self-growth and improvement. It not only motivates but also pushes people to strive again for better results. It can turn out to be a strength building opportunity. Strength to face anything that may come their way with a renewed grip and determination. It opens doors for chances in the future. One tends to re-evaluate and can take cues to perform towards a winsome outcome.
When we experience suffering through rejection somehow it is a step towards being kinder to others and our environment. We tend to be more gentle and less hostile. Disappointments in the form of this non acceptance help us value things and people for what they are. Unconditional support even in our low phases builds trust, belief and zeal. Rejection is powerful in its own way and makes us empathetic to our peers and society overall.
It is normal and healthy to get rejected as it is not the end of the world. It can make us feel jealous, guilty, lonely, shameful and hurt but it is a means to thrive with improved strategy and planning. Rejection in love, friendships and relationships is a signal for far better things that maybe are or were waiting for us. It is important for success and a stepping stone towards unleashing our true potential and destiny. It might seem as a disadvantage at first but it actually paves the way to find light at the end of a dark tunnel. It can assist us to shine brightly again.