Blog: Retirement

Decades of work earns a well-deserved reward called retirement. Life becomes truly yours. It generates anticipation and eagerness. Doubts cloud minds whether it will bring happiness after years of working gets a halt. It’s normal to feel uncertain but it’s worth the plunge. Looking forward to free days in itself sets the mood. Quality time is in bulk. One has much more time to spend on pursuits that bring fulfilment. There is no rush hour for almost anything.
More flexibility can be enjoyed. A long impending hike, swimming, painting, adventure or travel can be adjusted in schedules without much thinking and planning. It becomes very spontaneous. While working everything else is secondary as work takes most of oneself and time but post retirement one is one’s own boss. Including exercise and physical activity as a regular thing is no crime. Focus is undivided and one is mentally stimulated as work related stress is at bay.
Status reports and performance reviews take a backseat forever. Anxiety related to meeting targets leaves for good. Office politics, backstabbing and annoying co-workers, demanding unforgiving bosses, perpetual fear of lay-offs and boring meetings become history. Planning for sick leaves, vacations and budgeting everything effectively becomes a thing of the past. Weekends are stress free and one does not have to bother anymore to squeeze time to make ends meet.
Health gets a boost. Exploring topics that truly interest you can be entertained. Adapting a new hobby or passion is relaxing. A wonderful phase of personal freedom starts taking shape. Visiting places one dreamt of becomes a reality. Family, friends and grandchildren get your utmost attention and earlier complaints are less in number. One is in the moment and does not look preoccupied. There is more time to read and learn new things.
Life without an alarm to be set can be blissful in so many respects. Spouses are far happier and at peace during a retired life. Lifestyles are pure fun and filled with activities that inculcate a sense of calm. Nothing is forced and it is an opportunity to start a new career if health allows. It may turn out to be challenging having so much free time but this adds spice to life. Retirement if planned well can turn out to be the most eventful and satisfying aspect of one’s life.