Blog: Sabbaticals

They are the need of the hour to avoid a total burnout. They can help to take care of an individual’s health and mental chaos. This way unofficial priorities get our complete focus. We get time to learn about ourselves too. One can pick up a hobby that needs attention. Family demands can be met and that may give desired results. This time can also be used for further education, travel, personal growth and relaxation. Anxiety and stress can be left behind by indulging in it.
Long hours at the office, with no recreation or interaction with the world can lead to mental exhaustion. It aids in taking away the monotony that we get used to unknowingly. A renewed vision resurfaces when we go for this break. Savings and financial planning play a very important role if one has decided to go on a sabbatical as most of the time there is no income. This temporary isolation can make or break a person. Initially all looks good but when one misses a sense of routine or continuous flow of money then it may hit hard.
Close ties and people get quality time. Pending tasks get completed. New habits make way in our lifestyles. Relationships and bonds that need our time complain less. We can strengthen personal relationships and forge new ones too. Pace is pushed to the backseat as no deadlines have to be followed. One can take each day at one’s own tuning and ease. No routine has to be followed and alarms are not set for a peaceful and carefree sleep.
It’s risky. Our professional and personal life can be impacted by it. It can add to the financial strain. Once back from a sabbatical, adapting to new techniques, processes and technologies may take a toll. Depression takes over as adjustment may take time though a determined and recharged being can settle back in the grind in no time. It depends on person to person. A career break is a personal choice indeed. Getting away from a negative work environment is a must at times. One feels free to pursue anything one wants.
Gaps in resumes can question credibility. A sense of seniority slips. One can lose the faith of clients. They can slow career growth. Sitting idle at home gives an uptick to health hazards. It can also prove costly for the individual. Loss of job related knowledge can turn out to be a bigger blow. On the contrary sabbaticals help in developing new skills. They help us to pause and reflect on personal aspirations and dreams. Upon return employees feel more refreshed, calmer, focussed, motivated, healthier and happier.