
Blog: Stress

It can kill one slowly if not managed. High blood pressure, headaches, heart problems, diabetes, skin issues and anxiety are some of the illnesses generated by stress. Sleep goes for a toss if one is heavily stressed. Good stress on the contrary is healthy for overall performance at work. Improved cognition is seen if positive stress fills our days. Long-term stress can cause extreme distress and affect our relationships, thoughts and actions. 

Depressive spells knock on our door of happiness. When we are heavily stressed we feel alienated from things that earlier used to give comfort, pleasure and relief. We get lost in the traumatic atmosphere. Nothing makes sense. Life looks dull, burdened and a curse when solutions just don’t come naturally. It can wreck marriages if left unattended. Doubts and anger cloud our days and nights. Life can become a living hell then.

We feel overwhelmed when it starts sucking us from within. We tend to be more irritated and less focussed towards things that hold importance. It is imperative to create an environment that is stress free for the overall peace of mind and health. Close ties are neglected automatically. A sense of self-pity can set in too. Social life gets a hit and alone time filled with negativity then starts discoloring life. This me-time is no way positive as darkness hovers from all possible corners.

The idea of helping oneself as well as others slowly starts diminishing. Dejection, rejection and ill thoughts of harming oneself can also emerge when tensity gets out of hand. A life of control falls flat. Uncontrollable negative vibes can overpower positive thinking. One withdraws in a shell and this can turn fatal if not addressed in time. On the contrary, good stress motivates us to do better. Stress when in bulk demotivates us to a new low. 

Our good behaviour gets affected by it. Self-centredness can creep in when things don’t go our way. One can get jealous with people who are happy or doing good in life. Perspectives change when things are uphill and cause unwanted strain. Unresolved tension can become a major roadblock towards happiness and a positive frame of mind. People who pray for our downfall may add fuel to fire if they find us vulnerable under the heavy blanket of worry. If we want to improve the quality of our life we should keep stress at bay and de-stress often. 

Combating stress that leads to pain can prove beneficial by connecting with people and addressing our problems. Through therapy a lot can be achieved by nipping it in the bud. Meditation also aids in some cases. We should laugh more to be in sync with the outside world and avoid unhealthy habits. Journalling our thoughts also helps a great deal. Getting enough sleep too can tame stress and keep it at bay for good. Life is too precious and can be beautiful if stress is not given undue attention and importance. 

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