Blog: Struggles

They aid us in building emotional and mental toughness. They are very important for growth. An easy life sabotages our potential to do better. We need to stretch ourselves to achieve what we want in life. Struggling is not a crime. Struggles make us stronger. We combat our fears and overcome roadblocks that hinder progress. We learn when we struggle. Our brain benefits from them. Struggles generate pain and may lower our overall confidence but when we struggle we find ways to adapt to any given situation and find solutions to bring about positivity and results.
Stress generators they can be. Negativity slips in when efforts don’t bring desired effects. Anxiety pangs may occur. Sleep can take a hit. Lifestyle changes happen. Personal relationships, equations, friendships, and bonds may suffer when struggles keep us busy. Aggressive behaviour makes inroads if hard work does not pay off. Frustration creeps in unannounced. Problem-solving skills are polished when our path is filled with mishaps that push us to struggle.
Self-regulation gets a boost in the lap of struggles. A stress free life stops one to accept challenges and this may lead to boredom. When we struggle for a peaceful existence our persistence plays a major part. When we master things the hard way we become perfectionists in the chosen field. When life throws lemons at us one should face them with a smile and this attitude can take us to dizzy heights of success at work as well as in personal equations.
In the absence of struggles indeed we get more time for leisure, pleasure and hobbies. Life is enjoyed but when everything runs smoothly then it may turn off the mood. Without struggles there is no thrill to chase dreams or things that matter and make us happy. A sense of contentment colors our lives and adventure goes to the back burner in such a scenario. A struggle free life appeals more but it kills the charm of development and personal growth. When we counter challenges we become smarter, efficient and more balanced.
Life is full of uncertainties. Ups and downs help us focus on whatever is relevant. When there are no upheavals and challenges in life then illogical expectations arise. We are unprepared to tackle difficulties in the absence of struggles. Adaptability is nil. Strategy and consistency can move mountains. Without struggles in life complacency finds roots and the thirst to aspire for bigger things and dreams may die naturally. It’s fun to face and welcome struggles with open arms as then we navigate through life in a better manner.