Blog: The One

He or she heaves a sigh of relief when they finally bump into the one with whom they think they can spend their time on earth. The wait may have taken a toll with numerous heartbreaks and setbacks but all seems worth the effort then. Years of conflict, doubts about oneself, fears, anxieties and struggles come to a standstill. Loneliness finds an exit route as this person just fills those corners that may have been empty for long spells. Companionship gets a boost. Love, care and concern fuel the relationship in all possible ways.
There are no masks in this sacred and loving world. The bond is genuine with no ulterior motive. Ultimate aim is the happiness of the person for whom we want the best in everything. A protective blanket shields on all thresholds. Vulnerable aspects get light. There are no inhibitions but transparency is the buzzword here. Arguments happen but solutions are always in place. Saving the relationship becomes a priority. Compromising aspects make inroads for this entity. Our guard is down. Gradually we inculcate habits that center around the object of our affection and attention.
Sharing things with him or her comes naturally. Inner demons are not grounded but from time to time come to the forefront with sheer acceptance. Pure emotions flow freely and hideous thoughts also knock on the door with an active involvement to improve the thought process. It takes a lot of patience, perseverance and adaptability to stick to the person who may have harboured pessimistic thoughts over the years. Their being simply fills corners which may have been nursing pain for decades.
A patient listener is an added advantage. Humans tend to be imperfect beings but this one person just fits in our lives perfectly. One is ready to transform oneself for their happiness and peace of mind. Manipulation can easily happen when one knows that they are the central figure for a particular individual but it is a far too deeper emotion when we choose not to harm but instead find ways to cure and heal that person if the person needs healing. Trauma and loss can jeopardize sanity but attentiveness, involvement and care can do wonders.
Events, occasions, festivals and big days are full of warmth when there is good bonding. Presence just silences any ill thought. Negativity is unable to find roots. Positive vibes color the loving atmosphere when demands are less and more giving happens. Selfless approach wins people and selfishness then is unable to nurture itself. In the hours of crisis this person has our back. Nothing seems impossible and working a way out together replaces everything.
There can never be anyone like that person anymore. Unique and incomparable entity he or she becomes. That person is a cut above the rest and worth idolizing and adoring with blind faith. It can become a dangerous affair if we end up being puppets. Control is good but abundance of anything is bad. A perfect balance sets in when this person enters our dishevelled and unhappy life. We look forward to spending time together alone. He or she becomes an integral part of one’s life as we trust and confide in them from time to time.
Falling back on this person during tough times calms our nerves. Troubled times don’t surface and when they do they look less tortuous thanks to him or her. Good intentions flow. A life without them looks impossible. Far or near they just fill up all senses by being there no matter what. Making room for this bond in spite of the odds grows into something bigger and meaningful. It’s always good to look out for those who mean the world to us and finding the one is a gift of a lifetime. One should treasure, love and do their best to preserve, protect and nurture their one and only love.