Blog: U-turns

It is not easy to maneuver 180 degrees in the opposite direction but sometimes it just becomes necessary to attain peace or something bigger. Going in the reverse can be life-defining as well as challenging. Plans undergo a massive change. Years of planning face a setback and this may become the only option. When we think that we are far from hitting the jackpot then a u-turn comes handy and may aid us to achieve success. It helps us in deflecting ourselves from a wrong path. It can be the quickest way to resolve issues that may trigger shame, defeat, failure and disrespect.
A dream pushes us to move ahead but sometimes we can experience a totally unexpected outcome then opting to go backwards just saves us. A new direction guides us to prepare for things that we are destined to do. A blunder can be rectified if we indulge in u-turns. Re-strategizing the whole thing may just turn out the thing we always wanted. Ambition, desire and to an extent greed to do better sometimes blind our thinking process. A cloud of doubt and negativity hovers around us when we think it is not going to work. It can be very exhausting to go the distance and then decide to not go forward and take a u-turn.
It assists in pursuing a better end to avoid a not so desired result. It could lead to depression, anxiety, doubts, negativity, anger and disappointment. It can save us from saying no to the same old things with a more powerful approach. Saying yes to things without analyzing things may do more harm than good. An instinctual u-turn can be the elixir we may need to make ends meet. We end up being stuck with the same mindsets, people, situations and attitudes filled with the same excuses. Breaking away and taking u-turns can just streamline our lives in a more positive manner.
If we aspire to have an extraordinary life and lifestyle then it’s good to complain less and strive for excellence. During journeys if we feel that anything or anyone is a threat to our integrity then we should indulge in this concept of backtracking or completely following an opposite current. Making a difference in one’s and other’s lives goes a long way. Optimism, perseverance, vision and credibility shape characters. A sound mind will sense a wrong doing or a wrong decision and accordingly will opt for better avenues and results. Henceforth, the ability to take a u-turn just pushes a goal-oriented calculation.
Unplanned directions and distractions can direct us away from goals, people we love, God, friends, relatives who matter and well-wishers. Bad habits, behaviours, acts of sin, and manipulation corrupt our souls and push us to a wrong path. It’s always wise to wake up from all this negativity and forge a positive, inspiring road of faith, love, care, strength and brotherhood. When we own our mistakes, repent and forgive, it’s a pragmatic step towards productivity. Seeking forgiveness is another way to redeem ourselves. U-turns bring us back to a more promising and satisfying life.