Blog: Uncertainty

It can turn out to be a blessing as well as a curse. One does not feel stuck in a situation when there is no inkling of a sure result. Uncertainty makes us look for new options, diverse angles, ideas, and theories. It provides many opportunities that make our lives purposeful and worth giving our best shot ever. It also has the flipside of increasing our anxiety, stress levels, and fears. It not only tests our patience but also our capacity for tolerance. It also helps us to develop character and aspires to become better individuals. It shows us what truly matters in life.
It aids in putting our full focus on the next step. It provides our goals a reality check and because of it, humility becomes our second skin. It can shock us in ways we can’t ever imagine. It helps us to accept chaos and pushes us to keep moving ahead. We assume less and our cognitive skills come into action for the better. A sense of insecurity doubles. Negative thoughts cloud our minds as nothing is sure. Arrogance stands no chance as nothing is definitive in uncertain dimensions. People stop taking risks and make it all a dull affair.
When income is uncertain it leads to depression. No fixed plans see the light of day. Everything is a gamble that may make or break us. Our judgments are clouded because of it. Somehow it polishes our flexible side. Adaptability to change goes a long way. It can increase levels of optimism in individuals. Competitiveness gets finesse. Worries clutch us big. A negative vibe can become our signature trait during uncertain business decision-making. Health takes a hit when the stakes are high. Recovery from turbulent times becomes difficult.
Strategies related to business lack a vision as everything becomes a trial-and-error method this way. One has to keep the faith and trust their instincts to make it all worth the chase. It has all the attributes to damage any economy. Some like dancing in the dark some totally panic and lose focus and control. It betrays when one least expects it. Uncertainty gives room to self-doubt. It can be the biggest drawback for any lucrative offer. It can cause catastrophes that may turn out to be irreversible. Uncertainty is very important to keep us balanced, optimistic, and risk-oriented.