A very curious and intelligent bird. Is clever, good learner and has a loud voice. Solves problems, happens to be a little aggressive and mates for
It defines boundaries. Enhances security. Protects from dangerous intruders and creates a barrier.
Symbolize abundance, resilience and tropical appeal. They provide shelter, timber, food, oils, fibre, starch, building materials and clothing. Palm trees are good for health and have
Excellent swimmers though flightless birds they are. Most of them are monogamous by nature and have strong bonds. Large colonies define them and prefer eating
They are in a variety of colors and erosion patterns can be analyzed through them. Large ones are broken down by flow of water. Most
Earns his living the hard way. Arms, leg muscles and core get a workout. Strength and stamina define him.
They make a statement. Draw attention when one moves as they sway. Good for casual outings and are ideal for parties.
The rides can be an adventurous experience. Gives us a bird’s-eye view that is breathtaking. Very romantic and a hot air balloon ride improves our immune system.
It intensifies negative behaviors like sadness, anger and frustration. There is an emotional disconnect. Stress, past failures, mistakes and anxiety are the main factors that
There is extreme inner peace. It’s a deep sense of connection with all living things. One feels free from ego-based suffering and a clear understanding