Far from the pollution, fresh air greets. Mental well being has a positive impact. They provide refuge to hermits, truth-seekers and ordinary people.
It reorders the soul. There are less people so there is less stress. Both animals and humans can breathe easy.
It makes you feel good and happy. It’s so relaxing. People are fascinated by its ebb and beauty.
It can turn out to be unmanageable. Heavy rain leads to floods. If not careful there is a danger of slipping and falling too.
It is natural to feel powerless and worthless. Guilt eats you up from within. Shame and negative self-talk become the flavor for days.
Enjoying the simplicity of nature reduces stress. Peace, quiet and exercise are the highlights of camping. Aids in boosting Vitamin D.
It’s a perfect shield from the harsh sun. Girls consider it a mini saviour. Hats can be trendsetters too.
Homelessness defines monkeys. Flexible maneuvers add to their bliss. Hanging from trees is a favourite pastime.