It boosts morale and people strive to make a difference in whatever they choose to do. It makes people feel valued. Helps mental health and wellbeing.
Embarrassing situations make one blush. Attention, romantic stimulation and shyness are key reasons for it. It is due to the feeling of warmth on the face.
Effortless styling. Very comfortable and freedom of movement. Enable women to flaunt their fitness and toned arms.
Doesn’t live in social groups and can sleep for 18 hours a day. Rarely drinks water. Diet consists of poisonous leaves and has an exceptional
Detached from emotional entanglements. Ruthless to the core, independent and gives a lot of impetus to self-sufficiency. Prefers living on the edge, very brave and
There is more peace and quiet here. Lush greenery and wild flowers greet. Mystery is its second name.
It is a messenger of peace and joy. A songbird and is very active. It can live for 11 years.
A playful being who loves to roll and eat. Bamboo is important for diet. Can swim and climb trees.
It helps to stay focussed. Anxiety and depression are at bay. Aids in controlling our thoughts and builds self-confidence.
Adept in climbing and swimming. Lives a solitary life. A warrior animal and prefers privacy.