In the night howling is a means to call his/her pack. It is also a territorial expression. It can also be a mating intention or
A single red rose is romantic and a declaration of love. It is complete in itself. It also promises lifelong devotion and forever love.
It adds beauty and diversity to the environment. It’s an important resource for wildlife and people. It preserves as well as improves the water quality
Unibrow is a sign of good luck for some. People who have it don’t care how they are perceived. They have a mind of their
Loyalty runs deep. Very aggressive in nature. Highly intelligent, social and attentive being.
It builds strength and endurance. Tones our muscles. Improves balance, coordination and posture.
Fresh air, sunshine and all that nature has to offer can be enjoyed. It boosts our mental and physical health. Safest place for kids to
It shrinks your personality. It can lead to high blood pressure and heart attack. Depression doubles.
A very calm and peaceful animal. It is the tallest mammal on Earth. It has a good memory and is intelligent too.