English Poetry: Cold wave

Dense fog greets
it kills and chily winds freeze
no warmth in feet
old are bound to wheeze.
Huddled in groups
bonfires calm nerves
it’s a Godly coup
poor don’t deserve.
Hot drinks bring joy
icecreams tease
mystifying snow in the hills O boy
machines need grease.
Room heaters add to elite fun
then layers of clothes are at bay
people of all classes wait for the sun
extreme weather conditions stay for days.
Quilts give company
indoor activities peak
excuses to stay home are many
still nothing can stop freaks.
Business as usual
vendors shiver
they can’t afford to be casual
even when bodies burn with fever.
Schools remain shut
children celebrate
it’s a cool break from the rut
mischief is deliberate.
Rain shows up
romantics revel
friends catch up
cold wave is an adventure of a different level.