English Poetry: On the highway

Speeding vehicles set the mood
lush greenery greets
some rejoice some brood
many observe and there are few who tweet.
Company matters
music fills
going solo too flatters
along the way it’s a beauty to see hills.
Fields and mountains pass
villages and trees seem to be smiling
frequent halts lead to playfulness on the grass
everyone needs this kind of timely oiling.
One bounds to skip a beat
visuals of life inspire
it’s worth it be it the winter or extreme heat
a rainy spell in between ignites the inner desire.
Hot cups of tea and coffee refresh
hotels on the highway tickle taste buds
lying under the sky midst stars leaves one fresh
then sleeping bags save from the mud.
Singing to the wind
talking to the roads
lovestruck entities just don’t mind
here adventure simply goads.
Driving skills just thrill
snacks on the go regale
then who needs a sleeping pill?
stories add to travel tales.
Inner noise calms
clouds on the way mesmerise
view of streams and rivers soothe like a balm
on the highway everything is a surprise.