English Poetry: One fine day

Questions will have answers
struggles will be zero
path of thorns will have flowers
someone will look upto you as their hero.
Worry not it’s just a matter of time
faith can move mountains
hang in there as it’s no crime
the wait can be a lovely terrain.
Dreams will come true
tears will turn into joys
so why feeling blue?
it’s just another God’s ploy.
Hard work should pay
doors shall open
prayers will show the way
miracles will happen.
Love will rule
sorrows will drown
no one will ridicule
there wil be no hatred and frowns.
Hunger for power will die
selfless vibes will roar
no one will lie
humanity will soar.
Darkness will have light
pain will have no trace
healing will take flight
glow will be on the face.
Anxious hours will go away
soothing calm will descend
poor too will pave their way
no one will condescend.
Hypocrisy will have wings
conceit will have no relevance
authority will have no bling
smallest of things will advance.
Fear will be crushed
success will kiss
nothing will be rushed
one fine day it will all be bliss.