Morning Walks

Sleep in sound spells
hugging so softly
with a heavy heart tells
go get your dose O lovely!
Morning stretches out its arms
dew still lying in wet bliss
waves a hi that warms
Mother Earth welcomes with a kiss.
Silence so beautiful
birds chirp slowly
O it’s all so soulful
when all falls in place automatically.
Milkmen and hawkers rush
walks witness scenes
kids hurriedly brush
traffic lacks discipline.
Humming and singing in bliss
strangers greet and smile in parks
sights no one can miss
humans carry such sparks.
Sweating it out on busy roads
horns help watch steps
familiar hellos & jokes take off load
soggy spirits pep up yep.
Walking together or alone in itself a therapy
a habit that doesn’t die easily
initial days leave one grumpy
but once set it’s a thing done daily.
Delightful tales take shape
few stay hidden few see lights of day
morning walks help drape
moods in positive sways.