Short Story: A New Life

Water was dripping from the tap like always in the dead of night. The faucet needed repair. Shraddha had all the time in the world but there was no energy left within. This August she will turn 70. Her son, daughter-in-law, and grandson had died in a road accident two years ago. Life was so beautiful before this catastrophe had struck. Her grandson, all of 12 years of age, was the apple of her eye. Knowing that he would be around for her funeral was solace but God had other plans. A devout follower of her religion Shraddha Sharma was broken and nothing on earth could fix the grief she harbored in her heart. She used to count days for her exit from this world but always got gloomy when she woke up every day. Mornings were a torment for her for the same reason. Still, she used to thank her God for giving her another day to live.
She lost her husband to a heart attack when only two months were left for her grandson to enter the world. Her hubby Neeraj she thought was a good man plucked from the world brutally. He owned a watch store and this venture helped him earn a lot of friends. For a few years, they kept dropping by to give her company but then suddenly it all stopped. Why she never had a clue. After her son died the shop was under the supervision of her daughter-in-law’s brother Shyam. Summer of 2000 was turning out to be more mundane and disappointing. Frequent power cuts made days a living hell. The house-help Ritvik fanned her when he used to see her restless. Ritvik was brought to the house as a companion for the grandson who also looked after the house along with the guards and cooks.
Ritvik was a young man of 21 years. Lived in the mountains and was uprooted to Delhi for a better life. 15 years back nothing made sense why it was done. He used to love running in the forests with her kid sister. His father was a servant in one of the rich hotels. Money was good but not enough to give a better education. His father saw it as an opportunity when Neeraj offered him to take Ritvik to his city. Years passed and the lad of the mountains in the company of the Sharmas earned his place in the big bad world of elites. His education got a jolt as Shyam was diagnosed with lung cancer. Due to the early demise of Shyam Ritvik had to step in his shoes and he did a fine job. He took care of Mrs. Sharma as his own grandmother and life was beginning to look less ugly for both. The shop acted as a balm for his dreams.
‘I called to tell you that I would be late for dinner. So don’t wait on me, instead please eat dinner which I left on the table. It should stay warm when it’s time for you to eat old lady,’ informed Ritvik and hung up.
He actually is a god’s gift Shraddha mumbled after smiling a little and putting down the phone she added, ‘You are not so cruel God after all. You have made arrangements for everyone, haven’t you? Muttering these lines she finished her dinner and slept. This was routine now for her boring life and she had started to like it. At 69, she had someone who was not her own blood but was more than that. Months kept rolling. There were days when Ritvik and Shraddha talked for hours about life in general. Most of the talks were repetitive but it was good to see Shraddha so excited every time. It unburdened her to a certain extent he felt. Loneliness can be a contagious disease in old age.
They enjoyed tea while watching it pour and played ludo till late at night all warmed up in a blanket on most cold nights of winter. Time had stood still in those moments. It was so rejuvenating to have somebody to talk to. Ritvik’s presence made all the difference. 2001 had made its way into her life. Initial days of cold weather rattled her but having Ritvik to fill her house made all the difference. 26th January turned out to be a little different than expected. Her bed shook violently. At first, she thought she was dreaming but then it was no dream but it was a reality. It was an earthquake whose epicenter was a village in the Kutch district of Gujarat, in western India. All of India and Pakistan had felt the tremors. Bhuj, a municipality was destroyed majorly which she later learned after freshening up. She survived as did Ritvik and she thanked God for that.
Neighbors knocked on her door to know about her wellbeing. They were relieved to know that she was fine but were puzzled when she shared that both were good. Shraddha just couldn’t understand why most of them looked lost when she said both. Mr. and Mrs. Goswami hugged her before leaving and blessed her with the courage to stay alone. What made them think she was alone when Ritvik was all along she thought to herself. This curiosity was killing her. While the Goswamis were to reach their gate Shraddha yelled out to them.
‘Can I have a minute please?’ asked Shraddha.
‘O sure.’ echoed the Goswamis.
‘You say I am alone. How? if I may ask as God is with me all the time, besides…..’
Before she could finish the Goswamis interrupted, ‘A courageous woman like you survived the turn of events in your life Mrs. Sharma. First your husband then your son and his family were taken away so brutally. Before the wounds could heal Shyam and Ritvik in succession were removed by their respective illnesses. You are a very brave woman. We look up to you and talk about you as a perfect example of a courageous woman. May good health be by your side always. We are there whenever you need us.’ They smiled and entered their house by waving a joyful bye.
Shraddha waved back uttering, ‘What a joke they played on me again, isn’t it Ritvik?’
‘Yes old lady, they did.’ replied Ritvik. He smiled at her and continued folding her quilt.
All this while Shraddha never saw the nurse who kept coming to give her food and schizophrenia-related medicines who used to leave when the job was done. She only saw Ritvik who was a constant companion and made her new life beautiful.