Short Story: Loose threads

The huge pot was full of water by midnight while it stood on the balcony. Thunder and lightning somehow added to the comfort of the room Susheel was lying in. It was a stormy night but he was cool like a cucumber and was sleeping like a baby. Raindrops on the rooftop always acted as a lullaby for him. It was a spacious one-room bachelor pad which had an attached bathroom and it was very dear to him. He had earned it without the help of his father who was a very famous hotelier down south. Susheel always liked less extravagant things. He liked to be economical without being a miser. Simplicity defined his choices. After finishing his education he got a job in the capital of India, Delhi as a chef. He loved food all the more if he cooked it. His businessman father detested it as his son’s choice hindered his plans. Susheel always saw himself feeding people with his expertise far from the clutches of his business-minded father. His mother had left him early and he felt her spirit lived in him through this passion for cooking. He is 40 now. He was the owner of his house at 35.
After work it was always home where he loved to spend some time with himself first and then his lady love, Ratika, joined him. Passionate lovemaking gave life to his abode that was followed by a sumptuous meal made by him of course. Days when deadlines overshadowed Ratika’s lifestyle and she couldn’t make it to his apartment then his hands were full with painting, reading, and just being himself in his own company. At times, phone calls from friends were also entertained in her absence. He was a lady’s man and believed in giving his 100% whenever Ratika was around. He had met Ratika in a lift. She was entering a mall and he was exiting it. Her cell had conked off minutes before she had to call her mom. Without any scruples Ratika asked the only person in the lift to lend his phone and Susheel happily obliged. He studied her while she was on the call with her mum as a girl in a sari appealed to his senses more. Rest was history as he had called back to find out how her mom was doing as she was recuperating from a knee surgery. Phone calls turned into meetups for good.
Everything was good about that rainy night until around two his cell phone flashed an email. Sleepily he scrolled through and grasped that his aunt had to be picked up from the Indira Gandhi International Airport at 7 in the morning dictated by his father in the mail to which he made a frown and dozed off again. Early mornings were never his thing but this woman made him do things which he hated. They shared a very different bond and were more like friends rather than relatives. The nephew was always a naughty little precious thing for Meghna. She was a spinster all this while though had many flings abroad. This meant that she was not to share his bachelor pad but would be in the city for sometime. Meghna was very individualistic since the very start of her being. Claustrophobia of any kind put her off, be it home, relationships, work as well as pleasure. As soon as she crossed 50 she started going to the gym, before that she was blessed with an awesome figure. After menopause things had to be taken care of for a longer life. Meghna Trivedi was one of a kind in her 60th year.
‘I am sure you must have cursed me under your breath for being so early in the morning to pick me up, dear nephew.’ said Meghna after giving him a brief hug.
‘The world knows you are a pain in the wrong places so why ask Megahunt.’ added Susheel.
‘I just love this alias young man, it is not only stylish but sums our equation beautifully.’ beamed his aunt.
‘You always took me lightly so I don’t want to boast.’ smiled Susheel.
Meghna briefly made a call to her brother and updated him about her place of stay. She was happy to hear her brother’s voice; it spilled through and through in that brief conversation too. She doted on her brother and secretly detested the father-son distance but she loved them both equally and that was what always mattered in her scheme of things.
‘You don’t look your age, old woman, welcome to India Megahunt, by the way what brings you here, if I may ask?’ questioned Susheel.
‘I have this exhibition cum business trip for my project on Diverse India, that brings me here, Sush darling. I would love to strike a deal with the Central Cottage Industries Emporium situated in Connaught Place in your city. Let’s see how it goes as I want them to keep my stuff on display for revenue. I hope we are meeting at your place once that’s done.’ Meghna answered his query.
‘That sounds great, woman. I wish you all the luck and let’s meet once you get free.’ declared Susheel.
Susheel Trivedi had never shared about his love life with Meghna and he wanted to make his aunt’s visit to his house a memorable affair. A couple of days would make it all work. Not much planning was needed as both women were busy in their respective tasks. A few culinary delights cooked by his hands would make the cut. The layout of his house was such that it never looked chaotic. A section of the room had his books stashed against a wall. A divider separated the bed and the leather sofa with short legs. Enough lights were there to cater to the needs of the room and occasion. A carpet had a low table that acted as a dining board. Comfortable cozy and soft cushions were placed on the floor that acted as an extension of the seated sofa. Ratika had nothing to do with this arrangement, it was all him. The South wall had this flat tv and music equipment. Colors, canvas and brushes were placed on the west wall of the room which had a window too. Ratika felt at home whenever she used to drop by and she made it a point to convey it in her own way after climaxing. The love birds were very much into each other and the house. It was on the third floor and the balcony had witnessed many deep conversations.
Ratika was a full bodied woman. Little streaks of grey had started showing up in her 35th year. There was an air of peace on her face. Long hair with almond eyes made Susheel’s heart race. Her lips were thin and she had a dusky complexion. Susheel had pink lips with a very fair complexion. Crew cut hair and a very chiseled body made many heads turn whenever he went out in his shorts and a snug fit tee and brown floaters. Over the years he got in the rut of keeping a stubble. Less time was needed this way to make it to work each day as the capital of India had very busy roads and that delayed so many things mostly. He was tall and had no attitude. His thin fingers held a cigarette once in a while. Clothes mostly went to the nearby laundry. A man of minimal needs summed up Susheel. Ratika belonged to an affluent family of car owners. She was a child specialist. Both had hit it off as they believed in simple needs and a less luxurious life. Meghna over the years had knowledge of Susheel’s choices as their talks revolved around vast topics whenever they spoke and that was pretty often.
‘Still some paperwork will be needed to make it a foolproof deal Susheel.’ Meghna added when she finally made it to his house a couple of days later.
‘Oh, I was expecting this Megahunt. This means you will be staying here longer, right?’ stated Susheel.
‘I guess so Mr. Chef but I am not staying with you. You have really worked your ass off to earn this bachelor pad. I must say I am mighty impressed.’ Meghna concluded.
‘I was 200% sure you won’t even come but glad you made it here. You see I have never been close to Dad but I really wanted you to be here for so many reasons that if I start explaining it will be morning. It’s a fairly good evening as it rained incessantly a couple of days ago and it’s worth the time. Besides please don’t choke on those delectable chicken pieces I cooked so lovingly for you when I tell you that a doorbell will ring soon.’ hesitantly shared Susheel.
‘Somehow, I am not surprised by this input, Sush. I guess it would be fun to know what holds your attention besides your passion for cooking, reading, painting and music.’ grinned Meghna.
Susheel had no clue where to look. He just opted to smile instead.
Meghna was sipping on wine along with the first round of starters prepared by her nephew when the bell rang. His heart raced as Meghna chose to open the door willingly.
At first Ratika felt she stood at the wrong door when a very fit 60 something white haired lady opened the door but when her fine features resembled Susheel she gathered her senses and let herself in with a brief perky hello.
For Meghna it was like she travelled 45 years back in a split of a second as soon as she laid eyes on Ratika. She was at a loss of words but feigned exuberance. A very faint memory was brushing itself to the surface without Meghna’s help, she was helpless to push it back though. Ratika looked familiar but there were no connections when Meghna later learnt that she or her parents never travelled down south. Lots of information was exchanged to know her better but all questions did not light up the dark tunnels of her mind. Guess, it was supposed to be like this. She could sense Sush and Ratika’s closeness and opted to just overlook it. The evening witnessed some ineffable equations. Physically all were under one roof but none were mentally present. Susheel was meeting Ratika after a week and his urgency to feel her again was pretty obvious. Ratika was a bit angry as not even once Susheel had shared in his texts that his aunt will be at home as had she known she would have dressed accordingly. She was there in a very casual attire as rains were expected any moment. The minimum clothes did the thing always. That bare skin of Ratika greased Meghna’s memory in the most inexpressive manner throughout her stay.
After spending some three hours at Susheel’s place when she finally came back to the hotel, Meghna felt it was sweet revenge by her lady love that she had kept denying all these years. Cynthia Ward would have been 62 had she not died a couple of years back. As a child it was all very innocent in school where both Meghna and Cynthia were classmates. They were inseparable and touched each other when no one was seeing. Then one fine day Cynthia started liking boys and gave an indirect message to Meghna that they are not a thing in their closed world. Initially it was very tough for both girls and they drifted through the hands of destiny but kept in touch as friends. Cynthia had sensed that their relationship would not see the light of day in this orthodox straight world so intelligently she played her part and was successful in pushing Meghna away. Meghna gave in but deep down she knew it was a mask. None of the girls were gutsy enough to fight crippled mindsets.
Threads were still loose though so many years have passed now. Here was a girl who meant the world to her nephew but also resembled a lot to Cynthia. They would marry soon and a constant memory will always graze her mind whenever she would see Ratika. Nothing can be done about it but to accept her fate of prolonged suffering that would only end with her death now. She disliked loose threads for so many reasons all the more now.