Short Story: What a coincidence!

The wind was turning out to be harsh for the eyes. A dust storm creates havoc indeed. Vendors on the roads were having a tough time. Horns were blaring adding to the commotion. It had suddenly turned dark. Grey ominous clouds made their presence felt too. It looked like a grim canvas waiting to be rescued by a painter’s vibrant hues. Nature’s fury never had any announcements. It was right on target. Unhinged plants fell from balconies. The wild wind had no intention to spare anyone. Doors were slamming and scaring the tiny tots. Pets too were restless. The elderly were chanting prayers in most of the houses for the ordeal to end the sooner the better. In his glass cabin, Kabir was oblivious to all that was happening outside. The noise within was too much to overlook and focus outside.
Kabir Chauhan, 27 years old, single, sauve, and efficient to the core was on the list of layoffs which has become a trend in most companies. It was an act of cost-cutting to help float things more effectively with no apologies. Being a team leader of the project in hand required time, strategy, partnerships with colleagues, and cooperation to make it a success. A rude exit letter just didn’t add up to anything. His sacrifices to make ends meet felt useless. In the end, all that effort, hard work, planning, and thinking out of the box turned out zilch. One has to be able and strong enough to move on without looking back. Corporate life has its uncertainties that take away everything just like a dust storm if not hinged properly.
This ancestral house was very dear to Kabir. Just recently he had given it a facelift to reap maximum benefits while working from home. Post covid19 working remotely was in vogue and worked in Kabir’s favor. His mother Gunjan, now 69 was terminally ill and required utmost care. While he was pursuing his graduation he lost his engineer dad to pneumonia. He was raised with the help of his mother and aunt who he lost to covid19 last to last year. Life was progressing fine till the email from his boss completely paralyzed him. His mother’s attempts to remind him to pick the clothes from the terrace fell on deaf ears. His plans had fallen flat and he just had to accept it.
The rigmarole of finding a job, sitting for interviews and the wait takes a toll on everyone. He was no different. It was his third job and he had thought that for the next ten years, he would sweat it out before thinking about a change. He was doing well and promotion would have been perfect to bring in the next set of changes he had planned for the house. A new job takes time for one to settle and deliver. His growing dependence on working from home had limited his vision of working from the office. Covid19 being in an exit mode had opened avenues for corporate offices to bring back their people in the official corridors. Kabir was just not ready for this change. This job had kept him comfortable on most of the fronts.
Beads of sweat made their way to his forehead and face. Without lifting his head he slumped into his world. The alimony’s monthly cut had to be paid. His divorced wife Sunita wouldn’t understand and will make a fuss when the delay happens he knew it. The inflated medicine bills of his mom too would suffer. The loan he had taken to build a little something for a tenant too would need the quarterly fill-up. He was at a loss for words. The company wasn’t doing enough to shoo its employees forever. Two months’ salary in advance at the max was sanctioned with the final amount it had owed to them. Mental calculations were making him sick and this event led to shortness of breath for a few minutes too.
His world was crumbling down. Savings were negligible. In no time he came back to his senses and headed towards the terrace to get the hung clothes. The fury of Nature resembled his fury within. Was it coincidental yet again? Just last month when Sunita, his ex-wife texted him to kill his mother in a fit of rage he heard it and said nothing. It was raining incessantly that day and all of a sudden a blaze of lightning burnt the tree standing at the end of the street. It had been raining all night with lightning happening throughout but nothing burnt until then. Was it all interconnected he had begun to think now. The weather was perfectly pleasant two hours before the mailer. He just couldn’t locate when it had turned so wild as he was so lost in the damage the mailer had done once it had hit his inbox.
A fortnight before the tree was struck by lightning, hot weather had hit northern India. March is supposed to be pleasant but it turned out to be hotter. Kabir was very angry as his leave to take his mom on the pilgrimage was not approved. The project needed his 100% hence it was the top priority for his boss and Kabir’s desire was crushed. He used to curb his anger but Nature always had a way to show it. Earlier he never noticed it but the dust storm was enough of a sign. How was it even possible? He loved nature but was never very religious. He believed in the existence of God but never practiced religion. His parents had visited Vrindavan, a holy town in Uttar Pradesh, in northern India when his mom was pregnant just to seek blessings of the Lord that’s all. The thought was intriguing indeed.
In his growing up years, Kabir was a happy child and rarely got angry. Whenever he did get angry it was internal but otherwise, he was a very disciplined boy. Neither of his parents did notice this uniqueness. It could have been negligible then who knows? Kabir was hit by covid19 thrice. Twice in 2020 and once more in 2021. Each time he had only a fever. Every time 14 days of isolation made him notice and analyze things that he never did before. Things have been normal after corona vaccinations too. At the beginning of 2022, Kabir developed anger issues but never showed it to anyone to date. He kept it hidden within a calm surface but not anymore.
After three consecutive coincidences, Kabir is still struggling to vent. Months are passing by, nature still helps him watch the effects of his fury. Unexpected weather activities still take place and only Kabir knows why it is happening.