Tulips wilted in the vase and nobody noticed. The house was abuzz with activity. Nalini Mehta, 36, had her hands full. Her daughter Chavi, 13
Kabir, 59, never thought in his wildest of dreams that he would have to leave a status on his sister’s social media account that Priyanka
The window of Malti’s room stayed ajar and the scenic view just made her day always. Mornings had a mystical charm. Waking up in her
A rainbow greeted Girish as soon as he left home to go to work. A heavy downpour at dawn had changed the mood of the day
Dry winds filled the milieu. Parched mouths led to drinking spells. Water and chilled cold drinks did good business everywhere in such conditions. Frequent power
A writer’s block is no surprise for anyone. It happens to everyone and Anil was no different. Writing was his passion though by profession he
Aching bones greeted Nitin every morning. Life had come full circle he felt as the inevitable of leaving the world was round the corner. He just
Months moved too fast for Sanjana Kulkarni after giving birth to Akul. It had to be this way as she was transforming into a doting
Zehra very cautiously used to place the love letters in the Louis Vuitton bag given to her by her husband Asad when they were dating
The scaffolding of the Mehta house was wet after a heavy downpour. Plants of the terrace were alive with a new verve. Nature seemed to