
Retired chartered accountant Tulsi Nath a resident of Lucknow enjoys sunrises. Surya Namaskar is his favorite activity since his college days. In the last leg of his life to pursue this habit of meeting the sun in its first rays had no concessions. He is in the pink of health in his early 60’s thanks to this passion. Witnessing dawn before getting immersed in the nitty-gritty of monetary battles used to make his day. He wishes to continue this life-changing practice but is looking for a means to make it worthwhile. His friend Somesh tries to talk him out to rest and enjoy but Tulsi Nath ain’t the one to flinch. He is determined to pursue his heart’s wish. Old friends always know what’s best but Tulsi Nath wants to defy logic and Somesh usually goes red in the face whenever Nath overrules him.
“Have you lost it completely?”, Somesh chided.
“I see no harm in delivering newspapers and then post lunch accompany you to the hospital to give a helping hand to the sick in the form of pep talks and more Somesh.” confirmed Tusli Nath.
“Will you have the energy left for that? Cycling your way to throw papers is tiring enough, isn’t it? Are you interested in suicide? As I see it as nothing but that.” Somesh was livid.
Somesh and Tulsi Nath were two different people but wired with a single thread of love, bonding, and friendship. St. Francis College Lucknow got them together in class 4 and the rest is history. They dated together, married their sweethearts on the same date, and got a job too in the same year. Somesh was a doctor by profession and owned a heart institute cum nursing home as years progressed. For the love of money, Tusli Nath loved to manage accounts. Bigger the accounts bigger were his challenges as meeting challenges with aplomb gave him immense satisfaction. Best of buddies were not regular talkers but once a month a meeting was that much-needed icing on that cake of mutual trust. That meeting was a filler emotionally and otherwise. Their spouses approved of their personal space and never saw it as a threat. Years kept moving, kids came into the picture and the family started growing bigger and bigger. Wise men say that as families expand one needs childhood friends all the more. Somesh was that balance and Tulsi Nath was that anchor that both hung on to with a solid grip.
Life is not a bed of roses for all of humanity. Struggles, plans going haywire, misjudgments, wrong decisions flawed their world too. There were fights, differences of opinions, and solid arguments. Sometimes unpleasant words stretched into days of no communication but only a week was enough to resolve issues. The bond remained intact still. This was the beauty of it all. Growing up together though in different houses had got the two friends closer and matrimony couldn’t shake this setup of importance. Somesh’s grandson was a huge fan of cricket. Tulsi Nath’s granddaughter was a music lover. Both kids had kept their favourite pastimes in the luggage to create fun episodes with their respective parents on board Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 that took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014. Its disappearance is still a mystery to date and both friends suffered huge losses by losing all of their dear ones. Somesh and Tulsi Nath faced the darkest of hours together. They had opted to stay back not knowing that destiny would play its part. Somesh had to stick around for heart surgery of one of his founders and Tulsi Nath was to appear in a court as a witness for tax fraud. The trip had to take place as it was a wedding to be attended. The wedding venue turned out to be the reason for funerals and the worlds of many had gone dark. In such a tough situation Somesh and Tulsi Nath had no one but themselves.
It is always tough to lead a normal life post a loss. Memories keep coming and flood untouched corners. Here in this tragedy, both friends became the much-needed elixir for each other to move on with life. This meant staying under one roof with a completely new address to go to. Familiar territories are bad reminders 24*7. It was a conscious decision in January 2015 to vacate their respective places to stay in a new apartment which had breathing space for both. Deliberately they chose to stay in Aminabad which was a crowd puller and had a local wholesale massive market of its own. This meant post midnight too there used to be activity of shoppers and food lovers who relished street food. It was a major challenge to shift from an upscale locality like Gomtinagar to Aminabad. Their house was their temple. Initial months were quiet and sombre but gradually work helped them get back to their pace. The spark to live for a better purpose kept them going. Post dinners for night walks they often bumped into traders who spared moments from their busy schedules to share drinks. Drinks and talks of all sorts helped create a network of brotherhood. Their loneliness got new wings in the form of this bond that weaved on its own as years rolled. This widened their circle of business too.
Four years into this setup had done its bit. Trips with fellow friends was a normal activity. Health check ups were never solitary as some friend or the other was always around as company. Work helped Tulsi Nath sleep better. Post retirement a fortnight as break was a good break where all he did was watched movies, caught up on friends, met them, called them, even went on a hike with a few but then this aching pain of missing his family started taking a toll. Anxiety and negativity started to creep in. Food was affected. Three days like this aided him to do a self check. He introspected that the departed wouldn’t be happy if they saw him like this. By being gloomy and not eating what purpose was he fulfilling. Self neglect is a slow disease to death. Positive vibes lift spirits. He was being watched round the clock by his dear ones just that he couldn’t see but only feel. Till he meets them all again each passing minute should be productive and sleep inducing so as to dream and meet them there. It took him quite some time to come to this conclusion as Somesh had his hospital to keep him busy till his cells didn’t allow to do what he does best. Tulsi Nath had to make it work till he hit his grave.
“Cycling my way into their world has its own pluses. Early risers will be already there around their doorstep for their dose of fresh information. This will lead to smiles and maybe conversations through the eyes once I’m done with my Surya Namaskar. There would be a different kind of thrill to grab those papers from the vendors. Chit chat and tea are a done thing before I take on my duty. My network of strangers turning into friends would grow slowly but surely. Socialising is key to good health. Interaction and fresh air for my lungs are just the thing I need to avoid any sort of depression. A busy morning will make me hungry for a full lunch without the aid of medicine. I would be occupied with the day’s proceedings. A good sleep will make me ready to meet you in the hospital and do my litlte bit. Haven’t you realised presence actually subsides the pain. A mute listener is sometimes all one needs. That’s what we were for each other weren’t we?” questioned Tulsi Nath.
On second thoughts Somesh was pleased after hearing his friend’s explanation. It was that presence that had helped him come out of his grief too. Those taciturn meaningful glances had helped him realise that he was not the only one. God had taken all but Tulsi Nath was beside him though grieving too. They had matured a shade more together. For some battles like these are lonely and tiresome. Self help in the form of books doesn’t help too. Not to fall in the trap of depression and self pity Nath chose to be of service to mankind. Nothing was wrong in that if that’s what his friend wants. Life of purpose should have no barricades. Besides he is still around if God forbid something goes wrong he thought to himself. Destiny had played a big role in keeping things sane in spite of a string of catastrophes. Somesh was hopeful for himself as well as Tulsi Nath. Sailing in the boat of old age is not easy but a right attitude pushes individuals through. They together were all set to take the first step to make the cut.
“I have never said this but can’t help admit that you are the salt in my bland life. Let me be the salt for some.” gushed Tulsi Nath.
Somesh without saying anything headed to the hallway to give Nath’s bicycle an outing to check if all was alright with it.