
Blog: Hobbies

They motivate and keep us occupied. There is never a dull moment when we pursue our favourite hobby as it nurtures and fills with positivity. They make life more fulfilling. We look forward to them once we get free from things that are done as a duty. They generate happiness and anxiety is at bay. Through them our minds are active and that aids in good health. Some hobbies help us make money and improve our finances. Depression stays away because of them. They can become a medium of creativity. Social circle widens if we share the same hobbies. Get togethers among friends, relatives and well wishers are more often then.
They challenge us to do better and act as an outlet for any pent-up anger or aggression. They help us to focus on things that are not work related and eventually relax our minds. They help us break away from the mundane without overstepping on the purpose of life. Hobbies that revolve around physical activities protect and save us from idleness. They enhance our coping abilities and also improve our behaviour overall. Time to time indulging in them promotes our careers too. They help us grow spiritually too.

Self confidence and self-esteem get a major boost by them. They give the brain a workout for example if we play scrabble and chess they bring about desired results. Learning gives way to patience thus they make us patient when we learn to practice the hobby. Practicing them on a regular basis makes us master it. Sleep is better if we regularly pursue that hobby before bedtime. It becomes a means of relaxation and induces sleep. They reduce stress and tiffs with one self are a lot lesser when we give them our exclusivity.

Urgent activities can get delayed if we get addicted to them. Relationships and bonds suffer if we give them most of our time. Neglecting the ones who are close and dear to us while indulging in them can lead to arguments and distance. Personal problems occur when we make these hobbies an escape from reality. Income takes a hit when we spend on them without any profit generation. Total immersion of ourselves into these activities isolates us. While travelling online games addiction may make us miss our destination. They distract us. They may take a lot of space. May get us into a rut.

Obesity creeps in if they become an obsession when physical activities are hit. It may result in poor health as they make us forget things that matter for mental balance and peace. Expensive hobbies may strain financial needs of a family. Wildlife is hit if hunting is anyone’s hobby. People end up being violent if aggressive video games are played non stop. False expectations rise due to computer games. Life seems unimportant. Our entire universe goes for a spin when too much of them gets into our system. Overdoing it can disturb the balance that they bring in our hectic life. A balanced approach towards hobbies does more good than harm.