Chosen Family
That constant invisible support in the form of a genuine friend is a treasure trove. Guided by the hand of God humans interact as strangers initially not knowing that they are weaving a lifelong pillar on whom truths, secrets, opinions & trust rests. Often they never get their due but are chronicled back in our lives in the form of heartbreak, tragedy, new beginnings & crisis. Their undaunted support acts as a reservoir in testing times. Do we really choose them or are they reincarnations of our colorful pasts?. Renewed and reshaped for a friendly role to be played. Parents are torchbearers of selflessness for their children. A genuine friend is a parent, lover, sibling, teacher, child as well as a critic. Blessed are those who stroll in this garden of friendship unguarded. Their secrets are safe. Manipulation is at bay and pure emotion resurfaces at the time of need.
A friend in the form of a sister or brother from another mother fills corners of extreme attention. Involvement is paramount. An involved entity no matter what hour beckons shows up. A pillow to cry on in the garb of expert advice and utmost care rendering pulls back a worried heart to normalcy mostly. They don’t refrain from being a punching bag when life is a question. A babysitter with unflinching positivity to nurse the wounds so as to propel to healthy overtures. Gems so priceless that sometimes we take them for granted. A love-smitten friend is a friend lost forever naysayers say. Love takes priority and friendship then stands second. A married friend demands sacrifice as their family holds importance more. A husband or wife becomes the new confidant thus pushing the friend of years to the backseat. Stubborn ones withstand the test of time and never leave their ground. As a backup for any calamity to befall god forbid they stick around blanketing their feelings. The bond remains unshakeable as phases of life add up to the journey of discovery & adventure.
Privileged vibes have no trumpets ever. Emotions come to the surface through actions. Less is said and more is understood. As we grow up families adapt to each other’s attitudes, choices, and behaviors. The chosen family likewise gets attuned gradually. Respect and understanding blend to deeper levels of knowing. Though it takes a lifetime to ascertain various shades of a person this carefree bond unfolds on its own when its not a duty but a flow in itself. Conditions don’t make a place here. Natural habitat takes its course. Bohemia is the buzzword. Statements need no preening irrespective of age & status. In some cases, fights happen too, and post discussions they get resolved. In some cases, fights don’t stand a chance years elapse and there is a flood of bonhomie & goodwill. Birthdays are a big event and each year marks a new phase of depth. The crazy ones make every moment a blast by just being themselves. Like air, water, and life it’s a must to surge ahead together in spite of roadblocks in the name of health, career, and personal equations.
Chosen family can be just about anybody. A means of polish, nurturing, companionship & kindness can bring wonders. God’s gift chosen by us whoever has it in their life is a lot colorful. Bankable and tenacious bonds make life worthwhile. Hail Chosen Family.