Mystical surroundings

Mystical dew with its secrets
kisses daybreaks gently
and its shiny layers so wet
spreads itself on flowers slowly
as if they are its pets
who it caresses softly.
Whispers of belonging
in the freshness of hope
post a passionate lovemaking
in the night midst forests just elope
and breaks into a day as if gaping
so to risk it all & simply cope.
In pressures of wind and eerie silences
milieu too keeps shifting its gears
as if attuning itself to its prejudices
that are on and off rolling over the years
smiling & claiming according to preferences
so to erase ever so present fears.
Trees and leaves in its rustling dances
sway and write stories on grounds
when they fall and lie in a trance
as if healing its wounds
that give second chances
so to be lost and found.
Mysteries flowing in valleys
animals, insects, and humans leave trails
and evenings turn into nights so totally
all proceedings without fail
into records so invisible yet pally
for moments that are the holy grail.
This melange of all things beautiful
blooming and decaying in its own spells
etch anecdotes full of soul
some full of intrigue with bells
that keep ringing tunes so truthful
which only lovers of nature could tell.