Unprepared beginnings

O those regular conversations!
eye contacts and handshakes
make living as simple potions
until a flicker of the heart is all it takes.
Unprepared & raw
helpless and O so smitten
ready to go against the law
if anyone is bitten.
Nothing makes sense
heartbeats have one song
prayers become dense
so nothing could go wrong.
Events mark days
unknown and new
with instinctual ways
it may etch enviable views.
When it hits deep
experts say gut as guide
helps in taking leaps
and make lovers ready for rides.
Faith all along as anchor
push doubts away
and gradually milestones as decor
begin cherished sways.
Nervous steps initially
of yearn and wait
till all falls beautifully
and change lovebirds gait.
Disappointments and victories
test and seal fates
and create histories
mingled with a sweet and sour taste.